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Everything posted by Secware_Tech6

  1. id agree the I-on is a fine panel, or the honeywell galaxy g2 starter kit
  2. Yes it will but you cant mix biscuit type on the same line. you will need to add this expander to the premier panel http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=388
  3. Only with the very latest version. I would say no as a general guide
  4. We have added a bulk buy option for these batteries see http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2223
  5. Best thing to do is can you upload of a pic of both end wiring. ie the panel and the com. THis is usually a wiring issue as the trigger isnt getting to the dialler
  6. technically there is no limit, but you shouldnt have multiple non latching detectors on the same zone. Also the old British standard used to say 10 door contacts max.
  7. honeywell iphone app? Not that i know too, but then i odnt know this app. DO you have alink?
  8. The only way to currently control this panel is via honeywell RSS. There is a web module coming i beleive for this panel, but even with an ethernet module you cant control it without the software.
  9. I would try chnaging the position as a temp test, also ensure the device is programmed correctly regardin heartbeat etc. James
  10. Yes those items are compatible and the battery you want is either http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1870 or http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1340 depending on system load. By the looks of yours id say the 3.4 would be fine
  11. It has additional features over the plus and yes it has 4 partitions.
  12. http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=633 Are the cooper fobs James
  13. I just need to confirm the topology type. Im assuming that yes the 3011 will be fine, but ig you have a non conventional wiring system, ie 2 wire etc, then no it wont.
  14. thats helpful but can i also see an image of the connection of the voicepanel (ie the outside bit wiring) James
  15. No The correct battery for any system/panel is dependant upon the system load. One system may need a 2.8A/h another a 7A/h etc. It depends on your system load. But the biggest battery that panel can support is a 7A/h
  16. From a size point of view there are few sensors smaller than the IS215. I wouldnt recommend going any smaller anyway as there is then no room for cabling etc. they are 87mm (3.5") tall. The lens can only be so small (ideally the bigger the better) and once the lens is too small then other things have to be cut, ie range, stablility, angle of detection etc.
  17. Agreed. I just wanted to verify you wernt connecting a new portal to a pre 6.5 panel. Thanks for the follow up too James
  18. What version of firmware is in your dimension and have you added the portal ok?
  19. No On the M12 you will have N/c and C connections. These connect to your zone wiring on the panel. THe 12v + and - connect to the panel + and - connections.
  20. small battery 2.1-2.3 A/h http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1339
  21. As the fault appears to be on all circuits id suggest you have it eol mode, and this needs to be chnaged to dp mode or vice versa.
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