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Everything posted by Secware_Tech6

  1. It's a 12v psu I don't see why not. What's the demand?
  2. You could use the pyronix stand alone reciever with pyronix peripherals. It will give hard wired connections. Alternatively upgrade and use a texecom ricochet expander
  3. The handsets should call when pressing the call button. Is the handset sitting correctly when on hook as it wont call when off hook. also the unit may have a mute facility is this enabled?
  4. i assume it also shows this when trying to arm the system?
  5. if the circuit is looped out and showing as active (with no other wires connected to the terminals) id suspect a panel issue.
  6. From the sounds of it that sounds like some sort of kit. If its BNC at the DVR end id expect it to be the same camera end. Do you have pictures of both ends of the cable to be sure?
  7. No sorry no of the kit we supply is designed for diy use. It's designed to be installed by professionals.
  8. The sd1 is a pstn based dialler. Menvier SD1+ Speech Dialler [SD1-UK] The sd3 is obsolete and was a gsm based unit. Yes the SD3 replacement is the Eaton Universal 4G speech dialler [SD-LTE]
  9. Assuming a modern galaxy then Honeywell Wireless Door/window compact magnetic contact Brown [DO800M2] - £44.98 : | Best Price Promise | Security Warehouse Professional products
  10. Yes it's a non eol resestor contact
  11. It's not a common problem I know of. If you loop out the circuit what happens then
  12. Look slike a problem with circuit 1 Have you metered it is the contact closing as expected what is the resistance reading when the door is closed. Why was the previous panel replaced but also bear in mind the g4 has been out of production for a while are you sure you have a brand new panel?
  13. Yes Its normal to power it down as if you cross a wire you can blow the board or a fuse. Bear in mind to the 9600 is gonna be around 30 yr old now
  14. You will need to wire to the other 'T' connection to 12v- also. You do need a - tamper return
  15. is pretty simplified?
  16. 12v - = Blue 12v + = Red Bell = Black STB = White Im assuming the 2 connections marked as T are a voltage input and output clean switch but not sure what bell you have. But they re the tamper return which on your old image is Yellow But you will need (id assume) a negative tamper return, this depends on the panel connecting to.
  17. id also look at the room your protecting, location etc. If its a 9600 its an old double pole panel (very old) so doesnt need reistors. Optex FlipX FLX-P-ST Flexible Range Indoor PIR Detector [FLX-P-ST] - £16.34 : | Best Price Promise | Security Warehouse Professional products
  18. is it just the tranmitter that has failed?
  19. Are you wanting to send 2 hd images down the same coax? If so what resolution?
  20. Hi Razza the eurosec does indeed support more than on keypad. Your maintainer can add an additional keypad to it.
  21. Secware_Tech6

    SNT Query

    Is there an SNT that you can use for 2 Turbo/HD images if you are upgrading the analogue cameras to HD
  22. upgrading equipment wont help if you have fundamental wiring issues Most 2 wire stuff has a 50m limit depending on cable
  23. This is a windows .Net app as with all software test on your site before using. It works with ours and we use it daily SW-images.zip
  24. We have decided to release this software we use in house. We use a heavily modified Zen Cart system for our platform. We have various tools that we use the hook into this platform and one of them is for the new product team. We use this application to upload images of the products and modify existing products etc. Ive created a quick video of it in action here The app is to ease uploading of images and pdf files. We use it internally. Using it you select your image as high res as possible, then select upload. The app can upload via SMB, FTP or just save to local machine. It saves in the zencart format to allow large, medium and small files and automatically names the images as required and in the correct folder. It also supports multiple images per product with auto upload. Other uses is upload of pdf's. We use this for the product datasheets. Buttons hopefully are obvious. It has been modified to allow others to use it for their zencarts. The browser button is just to allow tests of layout etc on product number. Any feedback or new features changes let us know, im sure if its useful to others it will be useful to us.
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