RSS is the remote servicing suite software, designed for an installer managing multiple systems allowing full udl etc.
UMS is the end user / security manager version allowing control of users, logs etc
iD is an obsolete product. There may be bnb stock but i believe our stocks are exhausted.
Alternatively hkc support addressable detectors on iD cabling but not iD biscuits
Anything is possible however lighting is completely different to sounders. I'd advise against running sounders of lighting outputs.
Better question is what are you trying to achieve?
The advantage of a hard wired system is you can use any sensor. You don't need a risco sensor on your hard wired risco panel.
The pet sensor idea is a whole different debate
Agreed I'd look at that even takex max at 18v
You could use optex redwall sensors but they are an external detector. As Selfmon says I'd look to convert down
Is that 2 call buttons, 2 entrances with 1 call button or 2 handsets and 1 external unit with 1 button?
so one is totally wireless the other has a cable between handset and call station?
They are diy products so im not suprised
Thats fine so an old standard definition camera (906h)?