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  1. Ive been looking at the eaton cloud communicator for i-on control panels but im not sure if it would work with my control panel< i have a menvier 40 which is the same make but i would also need the adapter board, would you know if this would work
  2. Looking for a PIR sensor that is normally open or both.
  3. Looking for a shock sensor. I have an isolated gantry with access stairway. Trying to identify if there is a shock sensor / virbration sensor that can be placed on the metal structure that will send alarm when detection noted. Do you have a device that will perform in this manner
  4. Texicom Premier Elite 24 panel, siren and medusa PIRs, Order Number: ***** 31st March and recently completed the installation hard wiring 5 PIR’s into each of 5 of the 8 zones available within the panel. I have set all 5 zones ‘double pole / EOL’ but the panel is showing tamper fault error message. Following further investigations it appears the medusa PIR require 2 resistors to be installed across the tamper 2k2 ohm and zone 4k7 ohm. My first question is – is this correct and secondly do you stock these items.
  5. good day would like to know how many door contacts can i wire together each zone of the euro 46s panel.
  6. Beam to activate security lighting 10-12m max and what else would be required
  7. Galaxy RSS software and Management Suite. Wants to know the difference.
  8. I have an old ADE Karizma iD system I would like to replace. Do you have iD systems in stock...?
  9. I need 2no wired zones aswell as the wireless ones. will the expander for the Powermaster 30 work or do i need the 8 zone expander?
  10. We have a large house protected by 3 PIR floodlights. To this 240v system we want to a number of alarms or sounders, that would be activated when the lights are triggered. As well as being 240v the devices we are looking for must have adjustable volume. Might you be able to help us, please
  11. Apologies you have not received an update from us. Can I please ask you email your order number over to info@securitywarehouse.co.uk so we are able to look into this for you?
  12. I do apologies you have been informed the PowerG keyfob replaces the PowerMax, but as mentioned in this thread this is not the case. Can you please advise who it was you spoke with, failing that as our telephone calls are recorded please advise the day or number you called from so we are able to look into this further? (Please send this to sales@securitywarehouse.co.uk) We will then be able to help with getting the item back to ourselves if we have indeed advised incorrectly.
  13. When installing the 205 0001 to a Sita 200 plus panel, can this be installed without software being required?
  14. I have an Infinite Prime Alarm System installed. The alarm system has a PSTN module which I want to setup.I intend to run a two wires (blue/white and white/blue) from the master socket to the micro filter marked ‘from VDSL Line’.The two ‘OUT’ wires marked ‘To Modem’ would go to the two terminals on the PSTN module. Is this correct?Is the PSTN module performing like a modem? I do apologise for my lack of ignorance regarding the function of a PSTN module.Thanks
  15. I am looking for some alarm PIR sensors that will operate on a 24v DC supply for use on a double-decker bus that is being converted to a Men’s Shed workshop. The standard bus supply is 24v and the alarm contacts would need to be either N/O or N/C as the alarm control panel does not use EOL resistors. Please could you suggest some suitable devices.
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