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Do the Honeywell sensors, external siren and tag reader with built-in siren communicate over encrypted rolling code? Do these - FG8M, DFS8M, CO8M, IR8M, IRPI8M, DO8M, SEF8M and SPR-S8EZ, etc. I know the fobs and panic buttons do. These do - TCC800M, TCPA1B, etc. I am using the Honeywell Evohome Security at the moment, that uses the Le Sucre+ box. Is the Le Sucre+ box and the SPR-S8EZ grade 2 EN50131, if they are not grade 2 EN50131 is the dominion a better control panel to use instead? I know the sensors, external siren, fobs and panic buttons are grade 2 EN50131.


Edited questions - Do the Honeywell sensors, external siren and tag reader
with built-in siren communicate over encrypted rolling code?
Do these - FG8M, DFS8M, CO8M, IR8M, IRPI8M, DO8M, SEF8M, SPR-S8EZ and
GKP-S8M, etc.

I know the fobs, panic buttons and maybe external siren communicate over
encrypted rolling code.
These do - TCC800M, TCPA1B and I think this does SEF8M , etc.

I am using the Honeywell Evohome Security GPRS model at the moment, that
uses the Le Sucre box+.

Is the Le Sucre box+, the SPR-S8EZ and the GKP-S8M grade 2 EN50131?

As if they are not grade 2 EN50131 is the dominion a better control panel
to use instead, as that is grade 2 EN50131?

I know the sensors, external siren, fobs and panic buttons I have are grade
2 EN50131.


*Forget my previous 2 posts, as I made mistakes by leaving parts out, so please use my wording below instead, please answer my question about do they** communicate over encrypted rolling code.*

Edited questions - Do the Honeywell sensors, external siren and tag reader with built-in siren communicate over encrypted rolling code?
Do these - FG8M, DFS8M, CO8M, IR8M, IRPI8M, DO8M, SEF8M, SPR-S8EZ and GKP-S8M, etc.

I know the fobs, panic buttons and maybe external siren communicate over encrypted rolling code.
These do - TCC800M, TCPA1B and I think this does SEF8M , etc.

I am using the Honeywell Evohome Security GPRS model at the moment, that uses the Le Sucre box+.

Is the GKP-S8M, which is for the Dominial grade 2 EN50131?

As is the Dominial a better control panel to use instead, as that is grade 2 EN50131?

I need to have grade 2 EN50131, as I know that is the highest grade for wireless and I need it to be wireless.

I know the sensors, external siren, fobs and panic buttons I have are grade 2 EN50131.


  • 3 weeks later...

We had forwarded your query onto Hneywell for them to assist, however sadly having not received an answer have received the below to our chase:

Concerning your query about Grade 2 RF Products.  Your e-mail had been forwarded to another department for further handling but I have understood that you have not received an answer yet – our apologies for that.

Resideo support can be contacted directly via the following telephone number:  (+44) 0800 279 3643.   They should be able to provide you with an answer.

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