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I want to place an order.

We would like to change our G2-44+ for a GD 48.

First i want to ask, can we move the settings from the G2-44 to GD 48 or do we need to set all settings when install?

Can we buy a RS232-wiring and do it from a computer or do we need to purchase a sw to do it?

Or is it free from honeywell?

If not free, can we program all from the MK7?



I have ha Galaxy 2-44 today and want to change to a dimension GD48 as i said.

I have the MK7 x 4 pcs but i want to have one touch as well.

So if i order a kit with touchcenter keyprox and a GT-40 for sms and app control (alarm on, off, and status)

Is that all i need + programming via the MK7 or Touchcenter or do i need to change something more?

If i want to program from computer, what cable + sw do i need and do you sell it? Do i need the SPI key?

And a orderquestion.

It is for company in sweden so VAT should not be debited.

How can i close the order without pay of VAT?

Help me please with this and an order will come directly, it is little urgent needed for me here.

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