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Everything posted by secware3
Hi, I am working on refurbishing a building to become a small commercial gym in Crieff, Perthshire. I want to install a fire detection system, I’d need two break glass manual panels and then a number of automatic detectors with sounders. The ability to have an alert sent to my phone as well would be advantageous. Is this something you can help me to specify and also is it something my electrician can wire in?
I currently have a Visonic MCR-304 receiver used with a MCT-320 Magnetic Contact Transmitter on a door. The MCR-304 has developed a fault and I believe this item is no longer available. I was looking at the Pyronix UR2-WE as a possible replacement. I appreciate I will need to replace the magnetic contact transmitter; is there a compatible device and will the Pyronix UR2-WE be suitable. The MCR-304 is connected to a Texecom Premier Elite 24 and uses the 12 volt from the alarm. Many thanks
Just moved into house with ESP Enterview 5 and bell only sounds on the outside unit, no ring internally, so very hard to hear. Is that normal? Alternatively if I want to replace it with a newer ESP model using installed PSU what would you recommend and would the new one sound inside or do they need plugin or wired extenders?
Eneo 4.0mm 520TVL External High res Day night camera c/w IR Leds https://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/cctv-c-1/cameras-c-1_2/infra-red-cameras-c-1_2_86/eneo-40mm-520tvl-external-high-res-day-night-camera-cw-ir-leds-p-1955.html --------------------- Hi, what connector does this come with please? I have an old Samsung SDE3170 system and the wires are plastered into a duct in the wall. So I am trying to upgrade my cameras without having the pull all the wires out. The camera connects to long wires with a 6 pin connector and then on the other end to the DVR with a bayonet I think its called a BNC. If this won't connect maybe you can suggest something that will. I need 4 and happy to buy a new dvf box too if it means i can reuse my wires. Thanks
Can a DIYER change a wired room sensor (blue sensor light constantly going on with no motion detected ) it a Castle Euro mini . If so can you please give relevant information as cannot find it in the user manual RIN S 1209-5 or programming RINS1210-6 to get rid of sensor removal tamper alarm
Hi, I was looking to purchase 8x Menvier SD3 Speech Dialler. I can see this is now obsolete and the replacement is Eaton Universal 4G speech dialler. Our design is based around a PSTN version and we utilise our own PABX system so the BT PSTN switchoff will not be a problem for us. Do you have an alternative that supports a telephone line connection? Regards, Rubel
Hi. Do you have wireless window vibration sensors in brown that work with Galaxy wireless alarm system?
Will the SECWARE D20 Surface Contact work with an old Accenta Intruder Alarm?
Hi, Thank you for your enquiry, The new DELTA/MOD-WE will be compatible with the V10 Enforcer panel. Pyronix Deltabell WE Module [FPDELTAMOD-WE] - £76.99 : | Best Price Promise | Security Warehouse Professional products Kind Regards, Security Warehouse Technical Support
Hi. I need to replace my Pyronix Enforcer wireless system outdoor Siren (leds have failed) and wanted to make sure that the newer Databell WE module with the new Varta battery’s is comparable with my set-up before I order. Running software v10.
Need a replacement wired room sensor please. Old system runs from Scantronic 9600 keypad. Not sure what would be a sensor match for either of those in attached images. Image 5186 is of original that came with system and image 5187 is a Rokonet fitted later. Thanks.
As discussed, the engineer has stated the part on site that need replacing is a 2500-R Sender.. We do typically use the SNT Duo-Link-HD unit, would there be anything to stop us using this in lieu of the 2500-R?
We have a TEXECOM ALARM 816 premier LS1 since 2010version V11 we would like replace the marcher boardIs it possible to ordre it or do we have to replace it by theTEXECOM premier 816 8 to 16 Zones control panelWe need more information
Hello , having problems with my house alarm and looking for advice on replacement and upgrade. It's a Gardtec 800 series with 5 pirs. So I have been advised to change the keypad and control box as it is 20 plus years old
First one is I am replacing an old alarm and want to keep the cables but its it's in 4 core can I wire with outbthe tamper? And if so on the panel do I wire each circuit power directly to the 12v aux on the control panel and the two others go straight in to the zone ie zone 1
Hi, Please can you confirm if the Texecom Veritas Replacement Transformer TFM-018-2 is of a suitable VA rating and voltage to be safely used as a replacement for the transformer within the pyronix sterling 10 alarm panel which requires 17v ac?
Can you tell me if the Honeywell AC030 alarm button can be wired with just two wires? My current one which I need to replace only has two wires connected to it and the tamper function when removing the cover still works.
Hi, is the Honeywell 20, (panel only) compatible with the RKPs and Proximity fob pads that I have with my Accenta G4 ?Thanks
Using Duo link and would like to use 4K cameras, will these work, if not how high HD will?
I’m after 2 No. keypads compatible with the 4 wire Gardtec 600 or can you recommend a compatible alternative.
Would like to know if the Visonic 33 kit is easy to install?
Dear Sir/Madam Just enquiring about a laser break beam that will operate a light on and off we have 100 mtr drive with no lighting at entrance but lighting at courtyard was wanting to put a laser break at beginning of drive instead of PIR as the is a lot of trees around Can you help please Many thanks John