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Everything posted by Jaguar

  1. If you go back onto the website you will see it has been upgraded and is now self explanotary.
  2. A 3.4 A/h & 7A/h will physically fit but be careful fitting the 7A/h if the current load on the system is high as the power supply unit will struggle to recharge the battery if totally depleted.
  3. All three Honeywell fire sensors are compatible with the ADE Accenta control panel but will need either a latching or non latching base. Although you can add a 7A/h battery I do not reccommend it as the panel would struggle to charge it when fully depleted, and being outside the panel it is not tamper protected and thus could be removed.
  4. I agree with the previous answer, they should be screwed to the window frame but it may be advisable if the windows are new, to contact the supplier in case it affects your guarentee. Also ensure you do not drill into the glazed area or into any locking mechanism. Regarding brown vibration sensor, Viper make a brown model.
  5. I think you have answered your own question, that is to run a temporary cable.
  6. If it sounds whether the alarm is set or unset, Check connections at the sounder and also the panel. Also check the tamper switch at the panel.
  7. It may be that you have programmed a bell delay.
  8. It would be best to replace the battery in the relevant device but you can remove the trouble beeps. Page 14 in the installer guide, location 11.
  9. Refer to your installation manual. Page 16 & 17. Get in to INSTALLER MODE, press OK, enter code, keep pressing NEXT until displays DEFINE COM press OK, keep pressing NEXT until option 33 LINE FAIL REP is displayed. Press OK then press NEXT until you see DONT REPORT now press OK. You will see a black filled in square next to DONT REPORT. Now keep pressing AWAY until OK TO EXIT is displayed then press OK.
  10. AS far as I know, that is the only difference. You need to wire these detectors through an enertia analyser such as the GS614 or GS 615.
  11. Enter factory default code followed by NO - NO - NO - yes - NO - YES - 1 - NO then enter new code followed by YES. Do what is asked for on the LCD display. This is all in your user manual.
  12. Rafiki only produce Fire Alarm equipment not intruder alarm equipment. I suggest you contact the builders and ask them to send the installers of your equipment, it should still be under guarentee.
  13. Provided you install resistors of the required value - YES.
  14. Is the phone line wired into the digi modem? Is there broadband on the line? Have you fitted an ADSL filter? Have you changed your mobile phone provider? You could try cycling the GSM unit. If this fails check the panel programming is correct.
  15. Knight Roller shutter contact, plus you will also need a suitable junction box. http://www.securitywarehouse.co.uk/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&manufacturers_id=117&products_id=2158
  16. As far as I am aware, the dimensions are the same.
  17. It sounds to me that the internal switcher is faulty, it needs to be replaced. However I would start by disconnecting one of the sensors and monitor the system. If this makes no difference reconnect this sensor and disconnect the other one. If this makes no difference it is definitely the switcher.
  18. Yes the 430 pet tollerant detector is compatible with the Scantronic 9448, but be aware that pet tollerant sensors false alarm with cats because they climb. Most pet tollerant sensors dissregard the area about two to three feet from the floor. When the cat climbs onto the table or back of chairs or work surfaces, this will produce a false alarm in many occasions. Also these sensors can not be pointed towards the stairs.
  19. If you have wooden doors, basic contacts will suffice, but if metal doors the magnet is weakened by the metal door so you need to fit a contact with a stronger magnet. You may consider fitting a roller shutter contact which screws to the concrete floor and the large magnet to the door. You will need an 8 way junction box to make the connections. I would reccommend a dual technology sensor in the garage such as an Intellisense 7550. The 4 way sound bomb has no tamper protection but you can protect it with a Voltek 1825 wire guard.
  20. It depends on whether you have an LCD or LED keypad, but either way enter engineer program mode (page 16 engineer manual) and then follow instructions on page 25 of engineer manual.
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