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Just been to look at a fault - PIR sensor controlling one bulkhead light, and, it seems, some kind of automatic door bell.


PIR unit has the following info - There's no Brand label.


'Live carrier Unit'.


Type PRI Q18T  6220 G3.


Max load 1200W


Basically, the bulkhead light won't switch off once the PIR unit switches it on, and the doorbell won't stop chiming!


I'm not sure how the doorbell thing is controlled - All there is, is a white plug-in box (looks like a Mains adaptor) which you can plug in anywhere in the house, so I am guessing there's some wireless involved. There must be some kind of carrier signal being triggered into the mains when the PIR unit is triggered.

Not familiar with this kind of set up.

Can't identify a replacement - so any assistance would be most appreciated.







Many thanks for your prompt reply.


No, the adaptor does not allow anything to be plugged into it. I believe it is just a self-contained rx chimer unit.


The actual PIR sensor is situated outside the back door, has an adjustable head, and the info I gave in my 1st post is printed on the back of it.


It looks to have two white cables and two blue cables inside it's housing.


There are no markings etc on the indoor plug-in chime unit. It is just a plain white plastic pug-in box.

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