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I'm looking to spec up and purchase an alarm system for my house. I need a panel with 20 WIRED inputs, 2 keypads, and an extrenal sounder. I'm looking at the Honeywell galaxy flex system with the KO7 KP and ethernet interface, so we can use the Galaxy app to moniter. Please could you advise which products I will need for this package, and if you will despatch to my address in Greece.
Thank in advance.


Hi, I'm not SW staff, but can offer some advice.


Your reference to K07 KP doesn't make sense.  Do you mean a CP037 non-prox keypads ?


For 20 wired zones, you will need to add a single C072 RIO module to add an additional 8 zones to the panel.  Since you are adding 2x keypads and an external siren, you need to make sure that your power consumption is within the capabilities of the panel PSU and current outputs. If the 20 wired zones are contacts or very low power sensors, then you will probably be okay. If they are higher current, then consider a P026 power RIO instead of the C072 module.


With the Flex, you will need the A083-00-XX Ethernet module. This will enable services like the Honeywell GX app and SelfMon platform.  The SelfMon platform has some additional benefits in that it can regularly monitor the path for you 24x7 to ensure that the internet connection is good. It also offers Dynamic Domain Name System for the app in the event that your ISP does not provide you with a static WAN address for your internet connection.


Also, since your zone count is at the limits of the Flex 20 series, it may be worth considering selecting a higher model to provide room for expansion should you need it later. If SW don't ship to Greece, then Ebay is always an option:



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