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Can anybody recommend a new system with plain english display (NOT TEXECOM)

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This is similar to another post below, I too have a texecom veritas system which is faulty, I have called their support desk and there are unhelpful and ofter cut me off if they can't find a solution.


I too am ready to replace, I have been looking everywhere and tempted to get a professional around to install a new system but prices are unjustifiable, four figures to takeover an existed wired system and replace the panels, I think I must be paying for the Nacass approval badge!!  I am about replaced all my working PIRs with a Bosch BLP-1P pet friendly ones. I need to replace the system, the reason is the guy who installed it last year couldn't get the two bell boxes to work, he said they were wired differently so now the wire from the strobe goes to the bell and opposite for the strobe, therefore if there is a alarm the strobe stops after 20mins, and siren continues (not ideal), but thats the only way he could get it to work. I am looking for a new system with a plain english display not 8 LED's indicating different combinations. I have been told the galaxy systems are good but impossible to wire up myself resistors etc. There are many on here which look good, castle etc but looking for advice for a new system with god support if I run into difficulties. Any help would be appreciated, Adrian


1xPIR Garage

1xPIR Lounge 1

1xPIR Lounge 2

1xPIR Kitchen

1xPIR Landing

1xPIR Master Bedroom PIR

1xMagnet door sensor main door

1xPanic button Master Bedroom

1xPanic button 2nd Bedroom (unconnected,may be wire could be used for upstairs keypad?)

1xKeypad in Garage

1xKeypad in Kitchen


The new system must have;


1 Plain english display, with event log time/date

2 Chime facility for garage PIR & main door magnet sensor

3 Compatible with 6 core existing wiring



I would of said that texecom offer the best manufacturer support to end users. Most manufactures wont even speak to end users.


We offer support ourselves via this forum, our support ticket system and callbacks for more difficult faults.


But back to your question.

There is a lot more to a nacoss approved system than just the installation. for example the police will only allow approved companies to install police calling systems. There are very valid reasons for this. However 4 figures seems very very high for a takeover. I would suggest assuming everything else is ok and all you need is a panel upgrade you should be looking at around


Thanks for the detailed answer, the alarm chap mention the bell boxes (one new, one old) were wired differently I thought he said three letters like smb and sma ?  and the had major problems getting them to work concurrently.


I will look into the Honeywell Accenta system on your site.


id assume then he said SAB and SCB

one needs a neg applied to the bell trigger (SAB) the other needs neg removed.


You could fit a relay to invert this if the sounder is not programmable.



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again,  "one needs a neg applied to the bell trigger (SAB) the other needs neg removed."  do you mean swop the +/- wires in the panel over ? or can you translate this in to non technical speak please.  My electrical / DIY skills are basic, would I be able to swop the system over myself, as the wiring looks logical in the panel. I have swopped all the PIRs over to Bosch pet friendly ones, so stage one is complete.  Would it be easier to install new bell boxes so they are the same type/wired the same ?




No dont swap the wires. you either need a relay or new bells.

depending on the bells . if they are ok then keep them and invert the output with a relay. if they are not replace the bells.


this doesn't sound like a DIY job, I have no idea where to wire a relay / and would it fit in the control box ? 

FYI: one bell is brand new the other is 5 year old.  If you was me would you get the pro's around then to swop the system ? I think its unlikely to get an installer to fit a system they have not supplied themselves. So although I would like to buy the system from you are you have pointed me to the best system I think i would be stuck with it in the box.

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