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I purchased the above kit from yourselves just over a week ago.


I am trying to wire the bellbox to the control panel, however, the

connections listed in the Intellisense AG6 leaflet differ from those on

the actual PCB.


The manual lists TR- V- ST- V+ S- but the PCB has ST R SW V+ V-


So can you tell me what to connect to where on the Accenta G4 panel?







Managed to get it working after finding another forum with the same issue and an avanti panel. Bellbox passes all tests.


However, since trying to get bellbox connected, cannot get the Tamper light to turn off. Tried engineer reset, factory reset, checked all connections but no joy.


Everything was fine and no warning lights until attempted to connect bellbox. Even with the bellbox disconnected, cannot reset tamper.

Have rechecked all wiring and fuses.


Any ideas?


Just to keep you up-to-date.


Narrowed the tamper down to the bellbox so up the ladders I go tonight.


If the tamper is faulty (not saying it is till I check tonight) what's the procedure for getting the bellbox replaced?


Id expect its a badly adjusted tamper switch but if it is faulty you need to request an RMA, once its authorised we will swap the faulty part. However all returns are tested, so be sure its faulty please.


You can test it by linking out the bell tamper in the panel.






That's how I knew it was the bellbox. When I linked the bellbox tamper in the panel and reset alarm, TA light went off.

TA light stayed on when I did the same for the PIRs and RKP.

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