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I have a MCT-425 Smoke detector that warns about "Low-Battery" even though I have replaced the battery several times. I see this error on my control panel of my Visonic unit. The detector seems to be working OK, it gives med the regular 30 secons red flash. How do I remove this warning?


If the unit is consistently sayin LowBattery even when the battery has been changed several times it must be the unit that is faulty, for some reason it must be draining the current from the battery.


Sorry but there's no way to fix this, it should have reset itself as soon as a new battery is in the unit.


But the battery is not drained, I have tested it. Also I see that the detector is fully functional and does not give me the Yellow light for low battery.


Could it help to un-register it at the central unit and re-register it again? And what about the micro switches at the back, can they be used to reset the warning?


I am not ready to discard it after less than 2 years of use, just because of a "low battery warning".


I just want you to know that the problem was solved when I entered the installation mode, did some checks, and when I exited again it removed the yellow trouble light and the warning.

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