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I'm in the process of selecting an intruder alarm to install at my house. After reading various posts in your forum, I have decided to choose the Galaxy G2-44 system. Since I'm abroad, and I'll be doing the installation myself, I would like to know if I go ahead with the purchase from your site, will you supply the installation manuals as well?

Looking forward to hear from you at your earliest convenience.





Secware_Tech6, Thanks for the reply!


If it's not too much trouble, would you mind having a look at my proposed system and let me know if I'm missing something?


- Galaxy G2-44 (Model C044-01-PROX)

- GSM Module (Model A231)

- 1 x Wireless Receiver (Model C079)

- 4 x Honeywell DT 7550A (Wired)

- 1 x Honeywell Wireless PIR (IR800M)

- 2-3 x Domonial Radio Door Contacts (DO800M)

- 1 x Eurosec XS3D Sounder

- 2 x Honeywell Domonial Keyfobs (KTC 805)


I also have a few questions regarding parts:

1. What is the benefit of a Prox Reader? Do I need to include a Tag in the above list or would the keyfob be enough?

2. Would one wireless receiver be enough or would I need two for the above combination of wireless devices?

3. I assume the wireless door contacts will also work for sliding balcony doors?

4. I haven't found an external sounder from Honeywell in your store... Would you consider them to be inferior in quality? Which wired sounder would you recommend?

5. Do the PIRs come with their own wall stands?

6. Would you propose an internal sounder for this system?


Thank you in advance for your time! I'm open for suggestions and looking forward to hearing from you.






The system you list is compatible, but you will need a battery for the panel. I would also advise an internal sounder. Using a 16 Ohm speaker is usual here.


But in answer to your points:-

1. Only so that you can use a proximity fob at the keypad instead or as well as a pin code.

2. you would only need 2 to increase range. I would expect 1 to be more than sufficeint for most applications

3. yes

4. We will belisting the honeywell sounders shortly, no reason they are not currently listed just through lack of demand.

5. Pro pirs have a moulded backplate to allow corner or wall fixing. Adjustment is rarly required at std mounting heights

6. yes




Secware_Tech6, Thanks again for your information and for clarifying those questions.


I'm pretty much ready to place the order in your store and I'd like to ask my last questions:

1. Could you please show me in your store which battery would be best for the G2-44 that you supply in your store (is it the plastic or metal cover unit)?

2. Do I need to purchase the Prox Keypad version in order to work with a keyfob?

3. Will the honeywell keyfob (KTC 805) work as a panic button as well?

4. Would I need an ADSL filter in order to connect the telephone line to the control panel?

5. Can you roughly tell me what the shipping cost would be for the above listed system including the battery for Greece?


Thank you for your support! Looking forward to doing business with you!






I'm in the process of selecting an intruder alarm to install at my house. After reading various posts in your forum, I have decided to choose the Galaxy G2-44 system. Since I'm abroad, and I'll be doing the installation myself, I would like to know if I go ahead with the purchase from your site, will you supply the installation manuals as well?

Looking forward to hear from you at your earliest convenience.




you get the manuals with the system as standard

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