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I have the above as part of my alarm system. The external sounder does not seem to be operating although it seems to try. The strobe lights still flash when the system is set. I assume this is something to do with the piezo in the unit rather than a fuse. The unit is about 5 years old. If I buy the back plate will that come with everything I need to replace the sounder and is it likely that the fixings will line up or has the design been changed?


Hi: When you say the Strobes still flash with the panel set, do you mean the coloured LED's ? or the Bright strobe lights. Also you said the sounder tries to operate, could you explain.



Andy @ Amman Security



Thanks for your response.

I've been away for a couple of days hence the

delay in replying.

It is the bright strobe that flashes, the one that

flashes about 6 times when the alarm is set.

Come to think of it, I've

not seen the alternating strobes flash recently.

It's difficult to

explain about the sounder, but it's as if it's trying but just can't get



Hi: No problem, depending on the system the Flashing LED's will either flash all the time that the box is powered i.e 24/7 to show that the box is a live box or will only flash when the system is set. As you said it could well be a problem with the Bell box itself, Unfortunately you could also have a panel problem.

As far as I know the sounder design has'nt changed so it should be a straightforward swap, if doing it yourself don't forget to remove all power from the panel before removing the sounder cover & use a pair of ear plugs when you connect the onboard battery in the sounder. The sounder can be quite loud even on a part charged battery & been known to startle people so badly that they've fallen off of ladders.

If i can give you any more help, please ask.



Andy @ Amman Security


"Andy, thanks.

I noticed last night that the alternating led's were

working, but seemed to be very faint, but that could have been because

it wasn't very dark.

I deliberately activated the alarm last night and

the external sounder tried to go but then continued in a very muted


The internal sounder on the control panel works ok as does the


Is there any way of confirming whether it's the external

sounder or control panel that's faulty?"


Hi: From what you said it may well be the bell box that's faulty, check again tonight when it's fully dark to see if the LED's are still dim. Can you tell me what control panel it is that your using? If you don't want to post that up on here you can either send me a pm or email me at amsec@tesco.net




Andy @ Amman Security

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