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I have optima MX6 old model of burger alarm system which is faulty and

looking for update alarm control panel only. I would like to keep original

IR sensor, alarm bell, contact switch and panick buttom if possible.

Please could you kindly recommended the model number for my replacement and

actual cost.




Hi: The Optima compact G3 and Optima version 4 should fit the bill nicely and both be a reasonably easy swap out for a capable DIYer and can be used either with the Onboard keypad or fitted with a Remote Keypad.

Warning: Completely isolate the Mains Electrical connection to the Panel Before you open it. Also be aware that your external sounder is likely to ring while the system is de-energised.

As for the price: Check with Security Warehouse, they are normally cheapest & give the best service.

Regards: Andy @ Amman Security. :D

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