I recently purchased a galaxy flex 20 and 4 DT7450-EOL motion sensors.
I wired the sensor according to the instruction manual of the motion sensor. the fault loop to zone 1, Alarm test and tamper to zone 2. The "test" to the +12V since the flex control panel doesn't have a "remote led control".
see http://rikain.com/Manuals/Intruder_alarms/Galaxy/Flex_Install%20manual.pdf page 17 for the wiring schem in the flex manual.
see http://www.honeywellsecurity.com/uk/intruder/documents/CPIB_52_DT7450UK2_DT7450-EOL_TRANSITION_DN.pdf page 3 for the wiring of the sensor
This doesn't seem to work.
Can anybody tell if the wiring is correct? I find it odd that no connection is made on the V+ and V- of the sensor.