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Everything posted by cjtrevor

  1. I can quick arm by pressing the Area button on the way out. I can also quick part arm by pressing eg 1 then Part or 2 then Part. This is all great and makes it very convenient to use. But.... If the system has been set to part arm overnight, someone comes downstairs and unarms it by typing user code. Then we leave the house and press Area to quick arm whole house. The system seems to "remember" that the last arming was part arm, and so even though we press Area for whole arm, it then sets a part arm. Pressing Reset a couple of times before Area seems to do the trick but is a pain when you forget. Maybe there is an option that I can't see in the programming, is there a way of always making Area button full arm and not try and repeat the last armed state? Edit - there is maybe something more to this than I'm realising, as I've just done a couple of tests and it sets on full arm perfectly. But when left overnight the Area button then only part arms. The only thing coming to mind is that I often get ATS error overnight which I think is well known problem of the com-wifi unit. Is the ATS error then interfering with the full arm quick set?
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