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Everything posted by don320

  1. I forgot to mention that the strobe light is not working could this be part of the problem as well.
  2. Hi when the alarm is unset door closed all zones are clear no lights on if I open the door it remains the same no lights showing until I enter my code then zone 1 lights up and the alarm continues to beep and not set if I omit zone 1 and enter my code the alarm sets as normal. I replaced the door contact thinking it maybe that it made no difference still the same can you please help me I am retired and just want to make my home a bit more secure. Thanks
  3. Hi I have an accenta mini g4 hard wired 4 PIR and exit door magnet my panel shows unset when I enter my code zones 1 6 7 8 light up and I have to omit these zones and press the tick to set the alarm which means the entry/exit is omitted I do not have any tamper wires connected to the PIR or door or the panel the only tampers that operate are the bell box and panel cover. the alarm works fine when the zones are omitted Can anyone tell me why zone 1 keeps lighting up and showing alarmed as this is the entry/exit please help!
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