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Everything posted by stuplumpton

  1. If I bought one through yourselves who you include it in the package? I have a user manual, but it's very basic!
  2. Has anyone got an engineers/installation manual for the Eurosec CPX. I had one installed 4 years ago, but want to see if I can amend the timings etc. Also might be getting a system for my father, but installing it myself. Thank you
  3. Hi I have been going on at my folks for years to get an alarm system. My father is competent with electrical wiring, but I am clueless with alarm systems and compatibility issues. Can someone kindly reccommend a system or components for a system to cover the following specification that I've worked out: Bell box - tamperproof, foam resistant Internal audible quad alarm (my father is semi deaf) 4 pet friendly pirs - one fat labrador 100 m white cable Control panel - that can programme the four zones, door contact and garage contact - all armed for vacant house or some armed for occupied bedtime/overnight User friendly Lcd keypad (large text display if possible) to be mounted by the front door Speech dialler ( 3 or 4 contact numbers stored )- NOT a sms text service UPVC Door contact Up and over garage door contact 13a Spur + Surface Box Battery Panic Button Telephone Adaptor Cable Clips Any other parts that you think I will require Thank you for your help!
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