Thanks for your response. I thought number of zones may be an issue. My current shopping list is as follows :-
Honeywell C079-2 RF Portal
Honeywell CP051-00-01 MK8 keyprox
Honeywell C072 Boxed RIO expander
3x Honeywell TCC8M wireless keyfob
Honeywell SMB10 Motion sensor mounts
RS485 Bus wire : Twisted pair screen cable Belden 8723 equivalent
680 Ohm resistors
4x Honeywell DO8M - Door
5x Honeywell IRPI8M - IR
6x Honeywell DF8M - Smoke
2x Honeywell CO8M - Carbon Monoxide
So I have 17 Wireless sensors. My understanding is that if I connect the C072 Boxed RIO, that will give me the total of 20 wireless zones - which are just used for sensors.
I swapped the Dualtec IR sensors in my original list for an older model as they apparantly require G2 firmware to be at v1.50 and over. My firmware is at v1.42 and I don't want to get into firmware flashing. All the information that I could find suggested that everything in the above list is compatible with my firmware.
Is this a sensible list? Will it all work together?
Hope you can help, and thanks again.....