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Everything posted by derry

  1. Love you guys! Job Done & many thanks! Derry.
  2. Admin has not gave me the same markings as I have marked in my Accenta 4 mini In the reply to me, he said the markings correct for inside the 'Bellbox', but the one's he says i should connect them to inside my Accenta panel, have different markings than the one's he says, for instance, I see no markings on my accenta board for 'Hold Off-plus" and "Hold-off minus", and the reply to where he says "Bat - = for the internal battery" ......is just over my head. I am so sorry, but I drive an ambulance for a living, I am not an engineer and not sure of any common names you tech guys might use. I could explain to you on things such as how to do a transvascular bypass, but electronics certainly is not my best vocation, so I do appologise So if you could give me the markings as in my Accenta Gen4 Mini please, i'l be forever in your debt, Thanking you in anticipation. Derry.
  3. Thank you so much for your help, however my Accenta g4 mini panel does not have the markings as you have suggested. Sorry for being such a dope, but could you let me know which connections you mention, as marked on the Accenta please. The Accenta connections on my panel are as described on my previous post above. Can you also explain the connection you mention as 'for battery'. So sorry to bother you again, but thank you in advance for your help. Derry.
  4. Battery is as reccomended by and bought from yourselves. The Genesis NP2.3-12 12V 2.3Ah Thanks for your help/advice/time ravis, appreciated.
  5. I am an electrician of 30+ years of experience and allways use a safe practice of connections, but an obvious question to ask, and for me to check on both pcb's. I also brushed down with a new paint brush just to help insure no stray cable strands contaminating pcb's. Same apply to the battery. My last check was with rkp only connected, battery leads removed from panel, producing same problem. Thank you. Derry.
  6. Hi Mahdi, You will no doubt be asked this question anyway, but what is the make/model of the speech dialer.
  7. Hi. After installing a new accenta mini today i was ready to power up. connected mains but on connecting battery connections i saw the battery fuse blow. I checked all wiring, found to be correct and changed the fuse, connected battery and again the fuse blew immediately. I then disconnected all wiring from the system, i.e. bells and detectors, so it was 'as arrived new' and again, replaced battery fuse, powered mains and connected battery and the same thing happened again. I left battery & fuse out and powered up from mains. Alarm seemed to be working ok but i then noticed smoke coming from a resistor above and slightly right to the battery fuse, so i immediately turned off power and now contact you for help on what the problem might be. Many thanks, Derry.
  8. After re-checking my email and my phone for missed calls again, I find no notification of being informed as to my purchase being held back. This poses the question where was the notification sent if not to me? Derry.
  9. 2 hours 30 mins waiting now by this computer when all i want to do is ensure you get my money for my order so I can get conformation that it's going to be delivered to me??? Then i can continue with the 'important things' in life! Have i rubbed someone up the wrong way?
  10. 2 hours now.......... have you all gone on an early dinner break? This is all very below par.
  11. This order was placed yesterday morning. Had i not checked its status today, i would not of even have known it has not gone through. It would of been nice if you could of sent an email to let me know so i could sort it out, or I would of been expecting a delivery and not found out untill much later this week that it was not even going to be delivered.
  12. Can someone please help me with my problem noted in my last post, i have been sitting next to my computer for over an hour just so I can pay for my order when i realy do have other things to attend to! # i dont know why you just can't have a real person answer your phones to sort this kind of stuff out.
  13. I have just contacted my bank who tells me the amount for my order has been accepted with no problems and they can see no reason at all why it should not have gone through, and suggested the reason could only be that you need to accept it. Hope this helps. Derry.
  14. Incorrect. the delivery address is my own, same as registered with my bank.
  15. i'm trying to pay for this order, how do i do that? i would like to pay by phone if possible. please advise. I have tried ringing you, but your system seems not to like one-to-one contact.
  16. Thank you Anne and Elaine for your replys. Have a nice day. Derry
  17. Can you please advise me on the best battery choice for the above system so I may place my order, and advise me on estimated delivery times. Many thanks. Derry.
  18. Thank you James for your replys, you have just helped in securing a sale for your company. Placing my order with you now! Derry.
  19. Hi again, i should of asked in my original post, but does the above panal come with fitting and user instructions? Many thanks, Derry. p.s. this kit is
  20. I should also of asked, does this panal also come with fitting and user instructions. Thanks again, Derry
  21. Yes, a bell delay is what i mean. Thanks again. Derry.
  22. Can you tell me please if the above panel allows for a timed silent alarm in order to let an TSD1+ Speech Dialler to kick in. Can you also tell me if the above panal comes with fitting and user instructions. Thanks. Derry.
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