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About Specialist

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hi: The Optima compact G3 and Optima version 4 should fit the bill nicely and both be a reasonably easy swap out for a capable DIYer and can be used either with the Onboard keypad or fitted with a Remote Keypad. Warning: Completely isolate the Mains Electrical connection to the Panel Before you open it. Also be aware that your external sounder is likely to ring while the system is de-energised. As for the price: Check with Security Warehouse, they are normally cheapest & give the best service. Regards: Andy @ Amman Security.
  2. Hi: I take it that you refer to the ADE Simple set reader, which is a Prox Tag system, if this is the case then as long as both Panels have a Keyswitch Facility for setting / unsetting then yes they are compatible. Regards: Andy @ Amman Security.
  3. Hi Lucy: There are 3 versions of instructions listed, which 1 do you need? Is it an old 9448, A newer 9448 or the 9448+ (Style)? as There are obviously differences in instruction sequences. If you have any more info please post it here. Regards:Andy @ Amman Security. :-\
  4. Hi: Check out the 701R EUR - 50. This is a single button pendant transmitter. Regards: Andy @ Amman Security.
  5. Hi: Personally I would pick The Gardtec Risco system, Risco kit is very good quality and reliable. Oh it's also available from the very nice people that run this Forum. Regards: Andy @ Amman Security. :D
  6. Hi: You would be better off contacting a decent local Engineer to look at this for you, if it is an EN graded alarm system then you are limited as to the amount of Entry / Exit time that can be set. But your keypad should be relocated to an area near your most used Entry point (Normally the front door). Regards: Andy @ Amman Security.
  7. Hi: From my experience with the Bosch Blue Line range of detectors, if you have a Mounting height of between 2.2 & 2.47m and a range of up to 11m then no adjustment is required. And this has been our experience with the detectors we have fitted, you fit them & then forget them until the service is due as they are extremely reliable. Hope this has been of some help. Regards:Andy @ Amman Security. :D
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